How to choose the right baby pram for your needs

Baby Prams are a boon in disguise for parents who like to include their babies in their various outings and still want to retain the freedom of movement. Parents can be assured of their baby’s safety and comfort by choosing the perfect baby stroller and finding themselves more capable of performing various activities. However, to know how to choose a pram, you need to understand your need and what exactly is available in the market.

The terms 'pram' and 'stroller' are often used interchangeably. In the past, prams were designed only for younger babies too young to sit unsupported. Strollers were for older babies and toddlers who were able to sit upright.

Most combination prams and strollers have positioning options, from entirely- to semi-reclined and upright seat positions. The most important thing to consider when choosing a product is safe. Therefore, it is worth deciding on the right one, not only because a pram is expensive and something you only buy once, but also because it often lasts for more than one child.

A baby stroller can be your baby’s favourite place in the world, for it will take him places and let him enjoy the ride. You can guarantee his comfort and safety by choosing the right stroller for your baby. This stroller buying guide will help you make the right choice. Firstly, consider your lifestyle and what you'll use the stroller for. Do you plan to take long walks, go shopping, or travel with your baby? This will help you determine the type of stroller you need.

To make sure you find the perfect stroller for your family, here are some important things to consider:

  • Type of Stroller: Consider the type of stroller you need, such as a travel system, umbrella stroller, jogging stroller, or all-terrain stroller.
  • Age and Weight of Baby: Make sure the stroller you choose can accommodate the age and weight of your baby.
  • Ease of Use: Consider the ease of folding and carrying the stroller, as well as manoeuvrability and stability.
  • Storage: Look for a stroller with ample storage space for your baby's essentials and your belongings.
  • Safety Features: Ensure your stroller has adequate safety features, such as a five-point harness, brakes, and sturdy construction.
  •  Wheelbase: Go for a solid wheelbase and strong frame, so it’s secure and balanced — the pram or stroller mustn’t easily tip over.
  •  Sun protection: This is an important feature you will require, so your child is not exposed to direct light when it’s sunny. Strollers are recommended, ideally with a canopy of mesh and UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of 50+.
  • Comfort: Make sure the stroller you choose has a comfortable seat for your baby, with an adjustable recline and enough padding. It should have rounded edges, a soft interior, and no loose or unrestrained ties or loops.
  •  Price: Determine your budget for a stroller and look for one that offers the features you need within your price range. 

Different Types of Prams and Strollers

It is quite common to use the terms prams, strollers, buggies, and pushchairs interchangeably. However, there exist subtle differences between them. Knowing what distinguishes one from the other will help you better choose the proper carriage for your child.


Prams allow for a flat recline, making them more suitable for newborns since they can only hold their heads upright after they're about 6 months old. However, prams have limited reclining positions, making their use impractical once babies are able to sit upright.


Strollers are ideal for independent sitters. They present a lighter, less bulky travel option, which makes sense once your baby starts to grow and wants to explore the world. Strollers are lighter than traditional prams. Some strollers have multiple reclining positions that bend as far as 150°, making them appropriate for newborns too. Strollers come with a variety of features depending upon their use.

Standard Strollers

These could be front-facing, rear-facing or reversible and come with a gamut of features.

Lightweight Strollers

These are mostly front-facing strollers with lesser features than standard strollers, but these have a more effortless transportability.

Jogging Strollers

As the name suggests, these are built to facilitate activities like jogging or hiking with the baby in tow.

Travel Systems

These are strollers combined with car seats and child carriers, providing a one-stop solution for all your mobility needs for your child.

Double Strollers

Have twins? Worry not! You can travel with both of them in a single stroller.

Stroller Frames

These are just the stroller frames sans the seating base (not full-fledged strollers), into which you can attach your infant car seats, and gives you the functionality of a stroller.

 Practical tips to follow when buying a pram

 Try pushing the pram or pushchair around. Like a new car, it might look good in the pictures, but you can't know if it's right for you until you have tried it.

  • • If buying from a store, try taking the pram or pushchair up the stairs and into the lift.

    • Try different models and compare how they feel.

    • See what it feels like to fold and lift the pram, as you will do that frequently.

    • Ask the salesperson for all the information you need and the one which runs the best and does not have any after-sales complaints.

    • Take home brochures to read at your leisure.

 We want to make our children and ourselves comfortable in the journey of growing up. We want them to learn things well at the right age and always give them the safest thing available because we, parents, can compromise on style but not safety. Buying baby products is always a daunting task, but on the other hand, it is fun because whatever efforts we put in to bring up a child gives us more pleasure.



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