Benefits of Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil: Why it is better than other oils


With the birth of a baby, a mother is also born. Although you and the baby had been living together for the last nine months, it is only now you can hold and nurture your child. Massage is one of the best gifts you can give to your child. Apart from better development of your baby’s muscles and bones, there are various other benefits of baby massage. It can relieve pain and stress, helps protect against dry and rough skin, help in deep breathing, and help the baby to sleep better.

Giving the right massage to your baby is important. But choosing the right oil is equally important. Various types of baby oils flood the shelves of supermarkets. To choose from such a broad range can be a challenge for a new parent. They are in a dilemma as to which oil is best suited for their kid. There are studies that highlight how ayurvedic baby massage oil benefits babies.

There are various synthetic oils available in the market. Synthetic oils may contain chemicals or use chemical methods for preparation, which may be harmful for your baby’s delicate skin. Mineral oils are chemical oils can have adverse impacts on your baby’s skin. Chemical oils may also contain parabens, which are not considered safe. Minerals oils are synthesized using chemical methods. Before investing in a baby oil, check the ingredients carefully for any harmful chemical or preservatives.

Ayurvedic baby massage oil benefits babies not in one, but several ways. Natural or Ayurvedic oils could be preferred choice over chemical oils.

Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil Benefits:

Ayurvedic oils not only moisturize your baby, but the rich ingredients can play a vital role in your child’s overall development. These are fortified with the goodness of additional natural ingredients. These ingredients benefit your baby in many ways.

Ayurvedic baby massage oil benefits babies in their growth and development. Infact, massaging the baby with an ayurvedic massage oil has been found to be more beneficial than massaging with regular oil. Along with the physical benefit of the massage, the herbs that the ayurvedic massage oil contains, strengthen the bone and muscles. This helps boost the overall growth in the baby.

A Good Ayurvedic baby Massage Oil With five beneficial ayurvedic ingredients:

Dabur Lal Tail, is an Ayurvedic oil that carries the goodness of sesame oil along with other herbs which help in the overall growth of your baby.

It’s bright crimson red colour comes from the herb Ratanjot, that helps prevent skin diseases. It has Sankhpushpi, which helps protects the baby against skin diseases and general weakness. Camphor, which is also present in Dabur Lal Tail helps in improving local blood circulation. Another important constituent of the oil is Urad or black lentils which nourishes the muscles.

Clinical research done in babies up to 6 months of age proves that massaging a baby with Dabur Lal Tail helps in attaining two times faster physical growth in the baby in comparison to no massage oil.

Ayurvedic baby massage Oil Benefits a baby in several ways. Massage is a new experience for your new-born. Try and involve them in the massage and make it fun and playful. In the initial years, you may have to make baby sounds to attract the attention of your baby and engage him/her. Talk to your baby, sing with them, and even tell them stories. These engaging moments will have a positive effect on your baby’s physical and emotional health. “Massage is a way to a happier and healthier life.” Happy parenting!


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