There was a time when I used to buy everything and anything from the toy store for my son. Later on I realized that few of them were not even appropriate for him to play. Some were dangerous and some even toxic.
I never knew that choosing toys for your kids could be so cumbersome. Till your kids start pre -school, toys are the only way of having fun as well as learning. So yes, choosing what kind of toys your kids play with is essential.
Here are some of my favorites which are fun as well as have the learning edge (yes, I never forego that):
1) Building blocks: These are the best toys that I have come across and my son loves playing with them. We started off with simple 5-6 colored blocks which he used to stack together I used to roll them over again and again. Later on we introduced Lego and he loves it even now. Blocks are known to increase the creativity in a child, one day they make a tower and the next day make a phone.
2) Toys with music and lights: Babies love music and lights. So pick out the ones with the less flashy lights that do not hurt the eyes and music that is soft. There are many musical instrument based toys that are available in the toy store.
3) Play Doh: though not a toy, but equally important in harnessing creativity as well as gross and fine motor skills in your child. We have always loved sitting on a lazy afternoons making animal figures with clay.
4) Kitchen and Garage equipment: I still remember playing with kitchen equipment while I was younger. And so proudly I bought one for my son. Surprisingly, he loved it. My husband being an amazing cook was the secret behind this. Aarav loved playing with his kitchen tools as much as his garage set. Engaging your children in these sorts of tools helps them relate to them in real life better. And one suggestion here- Don’t keep the kitchen tools away from the boys and the garage tools away from the girls. Introduce them to both.
5) Cars/Trucks/Dolls: Playing with dolls and trucks are one of the favorites for all kids. It also makes them sensitive and encourages nurturing in them. Observe your kids when they are playing with cars/trucks and as they tend to get more aggressive while playing with them.
6) Science/Math experiments: As kids grow older, there are many options available in the market related to science and math experiments. These games are fun, experimental and teach a few concepts too. Just remember, some of the experiments may require parental guidance.
Toys and games are the best ways to pass time till kids start school. So, do not make all toys available to your kids all at once. Hide a few in the closet and bring them out only on a weekly basis. This way it will keep their excitement levels intact.