The benefits of Tulsi or the holy basil are no secret to us! We have planted it in our homes since time immemorial and worshiped it. A plant with so many benefits is surely fit to be worshiped!
Tulsi purifies the air and has numerous medicinal benefits. Tulsi is as beneficial to the adults as it is to young children as consumption of Tulsi helps build’s kid’s immunity and also serves as a natural medicine for the common cold, coughs, and cases of flu.
Consumption of Tulsi leaves has many benefits, some of which are these:
The leaves of the Tulsi plant are widely consumed in India for these very benefits. Various parts of the Tulsi plant are used in many ayurvedic and natural medicines. Tulsi’s immunity-boosting benefit is something that every parent should leverage for boosting their kid’s immunity.
The Tulsi plants grow very easily in pots and all of us should at least have one Tulsi plant in our homes for reaping the benefits of this magical plant.
Our children would benefit immensely from consuming Tulsi leaves daily. The only deterrent here can be its sharp taste and therefore it may get rejected by our children!
Here are some hacks to help you make your child (even as small as 1 year old!) consume Tulsi leaves which will boost their immunity naturally.
Simple ways to make your children eat tulsi leaves which will enhance their immunity
Simply add Tulsi leaves to the sipper/spout/water tumbler that your child drinks water from. Once you put the lid on the child will not be able to see the leaves in it, and will be sipping Tulsi leaves water throughout the day
You can boil Tulsi leaves and use this water in more than one way. For example
There can be several other ways of adding Tulsi Leaves water in the food being cooked for the baby.
Chop up few fruits, especially bananas, and sprinkle very finely chopped Tulsi leaves on it. You can garnish other sweet dishes like Kheer or custard with finely chopped Tulsi leaves as well.
Like you can see, the methods suggested above our very simple and do not require elaborate preparations to execute to get the benefits of Tulsi to your child for boosting their immunity.
And based on your lifestyle and eating habits you can come up with many such ways to add Tulsi leaves to your child’s food to enlace your kid’s immunity.
Discover simple ways to keep your child healthy naturally!