Features and Review of Maclaren Stroller


The all-new Maclaren Strollers are a stylish way of going strolling. It is the latest style icon in the world of strollers! This stroller is for the parents who wish their baby to travel in luxury. It aims for utmost comfort and safety of your baby while you are taking a walk.

    1. Material: Maclaren Strollers are made of strong, yet lightweight material for an untroubled handling. It is very comfortable and soft at the same time for the maximum comfort for your baby. It has soft, padded cushions so that your baby can rest snugly and enjoy the day out. The stroller has a waterproof hood to protect your baby from all kinds of harsh climates.
    2. Weight: In spite of being a lightweight stroller, it can lift up to fifteen kilograms of weight or a baby of approximately zero to two years of age.
    3. Safety and handling: The Maclaren Stroller has a five-point safety harness to safeguard your baby. It has front swivel lock wheels and back brake-equipped wheels to prevent the buggy from moving unnecessarily.

  1. Adjustable: The stroller can be adjusted into three positions—sitting, resting, and sleeping—according to your baby’s needs. It also has a footrest whose length can be adjusted accordingly. The stroller also has a cushion foam reversible handle which can be switched to face you. This can enable you to watch over your baby at all times. All the cushions of the stroller are removable for cleaning and the wheels and handles are high-wear accessories, which can be easily replaced in order to increase the life of the stroller.
  2. Storage: The stroller has a large storage space and cup holders for parents where they can keep their drinks or store their essentials without any hassle.
  3. Colour and price range: The Maclaren Stroller comes in different colours and trendy designs according to your likes. You can choose the one with the features that suits you best. This stroller provides all the features for a price that ranges from ₹19000 to ₹22000.

Now you can hit the streets with your child in style. The Maclaren Stroller is super-comfortable and safe and can be easily maneuvered. If you are the one who cannot compromise with your baby’s comfort, then you need not look further. This is the ideal stroller for your child.


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