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Just For Fun

Top 10 Baby Toys on Amazon

A child’s growth and development from an early age lay the foundation for their future. Making them participate in interactive plays, reading

Top Trending Baby Toys for June: What’s Hot Right Now

As the hot summer singes everything around us, let's look at some online toys trending hot right now. Summer is a time to have fun, relax, teach, and learn.

10 Things To Teach Your Kids This Summer Vacation

Though vacations are the time to relax and enjoy, the process of learning should never stop. Studies have shown that kids do tend to drift back in learning during

Fun Activities to Do with Your Child This Holiday Season

Summer is here and the kids are out of school. It's vacation time, time to relax, have fun and be lazy. But vacations are also long and the greatest fear

5 Tips To Make Your Child’s Summer Vacation Productive

Summer Vacations bring in a breath of fresh air in the monotonous school routine of ringing alarms, hurrying through breakfast, packing bags and running to catch

Which tricycle should you choose for your child in 2023

As we usher in a new year, many parents and guardians are looking for new ways to help their children grow and develop. One popular option for children is the tricycle, which provides not only a fun way to exercise but also helps with balance and coordination.

Indoor Games to Play with Your Toddler

It’s summer time! while it’s also fun and games for the kids, as a parent you face the fear of your toddlers getting affected by the scorching

सीखे: रंगों को मज़बूती देना!

यहाँ एक मज़ेदार तरीका है अपने बच्चे को रंगों से भरे जीवन के बारे में बताने के लिए | आपको क्या क्या सामान चाहिए होगा हमने खंड (ब्लॉक्स) का इस्तेमाल किया है....

Summer Fun: Blast the balloon

If it’s a summer party, then this game is ultimate fun. An outdoor setting is perfect for this game. -Ask your guests to send a change of clothes for the kids.

सीखिए: कहानी गढ़ने की कला

सत्य स्वीकार करना ! मैं कहानी सुनाने मैं अत्यंत ही बुरी हूँ. मैं कहानियाँ पढ़ के सुना तो सकती हूँ, परंतु मैं कहानियाँ बना नहीं सकती हूँ.....

बच्चों के साथ खेलने के लिए मनोरंजक खेल

जब हम छोटे थे तब हम बहुत यात्रा किया करते थे. बस हमें व्यस्त रखने के लिए और हम यात्रा का आनंद ले सकें, हमारे पापा हम लोगों के खेलने के लिए नये खेलों की खोज करते रहतेथें. रैल्गाड़ी के किसी सुरंग...

MumpaActivity: Sorting Colour Blocks

Here is a fun way to help your child understand that life is full of colours! What you need for this activity We have used blocks, you can use an assortment of things And fruits to show...