R for Rabbit Poppins
The cartoon character printed on the Poppins along with the attractive meal tray with Poppin as cup holder gives it a cool look with fun and joyous ride for your special one, extremely light with a weight of 6.5 Kgs is perfect for carrying it always for active moms on the daily run errands. Single hand fold and unfold with baby on the other hand is specially designed for the comfort of the moms. The reversible handle act as changing button for rare facing, multiple seating and sleeping positions with extended padding on the seat for 1 years below and a foot rest for the grown ones, these small features makes it unique, along with satisfaction of the European safety standard test certification EN 1888 gives no space for safety issues. The front wheels have full rotational movement with no drag on the stand still mode by safety brakes on the rare wheels, gives it total movement control.