Is your child watching too much television or spending too much time watching other screens (read tablet, mobile, ipad)? Does your child choose the screen over spending time with you? Do you think it is an an arduous task to keep the child engaged without the help of screens? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then it is about time you did something to change the status quo! It can begin with implementing some strict and some simple measures. Here are some tips to keep away TV, mobile, gadget screens. Reduce child’s screen time for healthy growth & development.
While TV watching is easy to restrict, restricting screen time on tablets/phones may require a few tactics. Start with uninstalling apps and blocking sites on your phone which the child watches a lot. It will create an immediate disinterest for the phone in the child.
If turning off your TV completely doesn’t sound as a good option to you, discuss with your kid, and plot TV viewing time. Ask your kid which show they like the most and then tell them that those are going to the be the only programs they can watch(consider a time limit of 1-2 hrs per day).
Like there is a fixed time for watching TV, there has to be a fixed park time (outdoor play time). Accompany them to parks and pools and play with them EVERYDAY! Once they develop interest in outdoor activities encourage them to go by themselves (if they are old enough) and play with friends. This will automatically make them keep away TV, mobile, gadget screens. Reduce child’s screen time in a way which supports their physical growth!
For indoor activities you can provide necessary resources like books, board games, art supplies, etc.
Bedrooms are for peace, rest and quiet play. Therefore, TVs in bedroom are not at all acceptable. Kids programs deliberately aim at keeping kids interested through energizing them. That’s why keeping TV in common rooms is the best option.
Limiting your child’s screen time may seem like an impossible chore or it may seem like a battle that is too difficult to fight. But it’s a battle worth fighting.